A warm welcome to all that have dropped by. I know it’s been awhile and I hope to not be so long between blogs again.
I want to thank you for stopping by to peruse my website. My webmaster will be adding other new features for you in the very near future. My Golf Instructional DVD titled “Body Swing” will be available through my site. Also I have some training aids that could be very helpful to new and seasoned golfers, and they will also be available on my site.
My first novel, “The Milkman the Connection” is
available for all E-Readers. You will find a link to Amazon by clicking on the “Works to Buy/Novels” tab. There will be more links added as soon as they are collected. A new novel is in the process of being completed and you will find that there as well.
My webmaster will be rearranging this site soon to make it easier to navigate along with adding new features, so this blog will move to it’s own page and no longer be the home page. I will have a plethora of stories that will be written daily and weekly for fun and hopefully interesting to you, and will post them in my blog.
Thank you again for stopping by, and please leave me a message or ask any questions you may have via the “Contact” tabs.